Jennifer Murphy

spiritual enrinchment coach

Are you ready to live?

I am a firm believer that nothing is wasted “It’s all usable”. I have learned to recognize areas of strength and purpose and I want to help you pursue yours!

Who is Jennifer Murphy?

Jennifer, also known as the “Spiritual Purpose Pusher” is a woman passionate about seeing others pursue their divine purpose. She inspires, ignites, and influences people to strengthen their spiritual muscles. In 2009, she and her husband founded Murphy Mentoring Group, a youth and family centered nonprofit focused on mentoring, teaching and supporting  families to reach their greatest potential. In 2020, her and her husband launched Impacting Lives, LLC to further enhance their mission of empowerment. 

Her biggest accolades to date are being a wife and a mother of 3 beautiful daughters and 1 handsome son. She is a very passionate individual who enjoys serving her family, friends, and those within her community. She is a powerful prayer warrior and hosts a bi-weekly prayer and fasting movement “Turn Away and Pray”. She is ready to serve you!

The Featured Book

Spiritual Rain for the Dry Soul

Spiritual Rain for the Dry Soul explores a journey where life’s twists and turns leave you dry and empty. But the good thing about lessons learned is that you have an opportunity to gain wisdom from each experience. This prayer journal refers to those experiences as “Spiritual Rain”. What type of rain are you experiencing today that you may have thought was drowning you but actually was meant to help you grow? In this journal you will find prayers to help you reposition yourself to receive the rain and produce the proper harvest. Get ready to be intentional and committed to receive what God has for you. Don’t forget, take your time and absorb every bit of it.
Featured audio

Jennifer murphy: She Prays

Information on audio

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10 Healthy Habits of an Effective Prayer Life